
Indiana Child Custody and Relocation

Published in Family Law by Chris Eskew on November 29, 2021.

In today’s mobile economy, it’s common for one parent to get a job opportunity in another state. However, while a new job can bring with it new benefits and opportunities, parental relocation, whether with the child or not, substantially impacts the rights and responsibilities of everyone involved. Depending on the distance of the relocation, the … continue reading

Driving While License Suspended in Indiana (DWLS)

Published in Criminal Law by Chris Eskew on November 26, 2021.

Get Help from Experienced DWLS Defense Lawyers Right Away What would we do without our cars? We love and need them—they’re essentially our lifelines to get to work, school, the grocery store, and even the hospital. So getting caught driving while suspended in Indiana can lead to a long path of legal troubles which can … continue reading

An Overview of Indiana Self-Defense Law

Published in Criminal Law by Chris Eskew on November 22, 2021.

Please note that our law firm practices law solely in the state of Indiana, and therefore cannot provide legal services outside of this jurisdiction. Indiana self-defense laws are covered under Indiana Code 35-41-2. They strongly support the principle that people have the right to defend themselves and others from physical harm and crime. These laws … continue reading

Indiana DUI Penalties for Your Third DUI

Published in Criminal Law by Chris Eskew on November 19, 2021.

Police, prosecutors, and judges all take Indiana DUI offenses very seriously. As is the case in most states, Indiana law provides for increasingly harsh sentences for each DUI conviction. If you face a 3rd DUI in Indiana, you need an experienced defense attorney to protect your interests. The lawyers at Eskew Law have extensive experience … continue reading

Prostitution and Solicitation Laws in Indiana

Published in Criminal Law by Chris Eskew on November 15, 2021.

With awareness increasing around the issue of sex trafficking, police and prosecutors have recently begun to take a hardline approach when it comes to prostitution offenses. However, prostitution laws in Indiana are complex. And an arrest for solicitation or promotion of prostitution can be a very serious offense. At Eskew Law our dedicated Indiana criminal … continue reading

Custody and Parents Rights for Unmarried Fathers in Indiana

Published in Family Law by Chris Eskew on November 12, 2021.

When a child is born, the father may expect to have parental rights. Nevertheless, if the mother and father of the child are not married at the time of the child’s birth, this can become an issue. You may be wondering, what are the father’s rights if not married to the mother of the child? … continue reading

What Is the Divorce Process in Indiana?

Published in Family Law by Chris Eskew on November 8, 2021.

If you’re facing an impending divorce, you may feel lost and unsure of what you can expect. Knowing and understanding the Indiana divorce process can help ease some of the stress. While divorces can be tough, a skilled Indiana divorce lawyer is the perfect person to help get you through the process. Eskew Law, is … continue reading

Child Support in Indiana: How It’s Calculated and What You Need To Know

Published in Family Law by Chris Eskew on November 1, 2021.

Co-parenting has many challenges, from navigating parenting exchanges and birthdays to making sure each parent financially supports their children. While parents have a lot of leeway in deciding how to share custody, Indiana law dictates financial support. The Indiana child support guidelines determine how much each parent has to contribute and which parent owes the … continue reading

Should I Hire an Attorney for Misdemeanor Charges?

Published in Criminal Law by Chris Eskew on October 20, 2021.

Some individuals charged with a misdemeanor do not treat their misdemeanor charges as seriously as they should. As a result, individuals who were charged with misdemeanors occasionally try and defend themselves in court. This is not something our team at Eskew Law would recommend doing. Our Indiana criminal law attorneys understand the consequences of failing … continue reading

Why Am I Responsible for a Crime I Did Not Commit?

Published in Criminal Law by Chris Eskew on October 18, 2021.

The terms accomplices, accessories, and aiders and abettors are often used in referring to a concept known as “accomplice liability.”  What makes someone an accomplice? Generally, if you knowingly help another person commit a crime, you can also be held responsible for that crime, regardless of your role in it.  Accomplice liability allows a court … continue reading

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