
What Are the Penalties for a First Offense DUI in Indiana?

Published in Criminal Law by Chris Eskew on October 14, 2021.

Anyone is capable of a slight mistake or error in judgment and, unfortunately, even just a few drinks can turn into a drunk driving arrest. In Indiana, the term “Operating While Intoxicated” (OWI) refers to driving while impaired by the effects of alcohol, but the implications are the same as in many other states: You … continue reading

Personal Injury Statute of Limitations in Indiana

Published in Personal Injury by Chris Eskew on October 12, 2021.

A statute of limitations is a statute giving a certain period of time to file a legal claim. The time allotted depends on the type of claim. If you do not file your lawsuit within the timeframe specified under Indiana’s personal injury statute of limitations, you may be barred from pursuing your claim. Accordingly, it … continue reading

Contested Divorce Versus Uncontested Divorce: What is the Difference?

Published in Family Law by Chris Eskew on October 8, 2021.

Indianapolis Family Law Attorney Handling Uncontested and Contested Divorces In many states there are two paths for divorce; contested and uncontested.  Indiana law does not recognize the difference, it is merely based upon how the litigants intend to conduct themselves in dividing their assets and debts. Court costs, filing fees, attorney document drafting fees and … continue reading

5 Tips when Hiring the Best Personal Injury Lawyer

Published in Personal Injury by Chris Eskew on October 4, 2021.

Nothing is more critical after an accident than your choice of a personal injury attorney. A good attorney can construct a solid case for compensation and negotiate a very favorable settlement. A good personal injury lawyer should also be prepared to go into court and defend your rights, if necessary. An inexperienced personal injury attorney, … continue reading

Common Car Accident Injuries

Published in Personal Injury by Chris Eskew on September 26, 2021.

When it comes to car accidents, even low-speed collisions have a chance of causing an injury. While many victims may notice their symptoms immediately following the accident, other injuries may not become apparent until days, weeks, or months later. Here are some of the most common car accident injuries that occur in collisions and the … continue reading

Everything You Need to Know About Indiana’s Concealed Carry Permit Law

Published in Criminal Law by Chris Eskew on September 19, 2021.

Indiana Concealed Carry Law Indiana’s concealed carry license permits both open and concealed carry of handguns. The statutes are mute in regard to long guns. You do not need the permit to purchase a handgun in Indiana. You must carry the permit at all times while possessing a concealed handgun. Law for Carrying Firearms In … continue reading

How Long Does It Take to Get a Divorce in Indiana?

Published in Family Law by Chris Eskew on September 4, 2021.

When you’re considering filing for divorce, one of the first questions you may have is: how long will it take to get a divorce in Indiana? The amount of time required to complete a divorce can vary drastically from case to case. Let’s take a look at the divorce process in Indiana to give you … continue reading

How Much Does a Divorce Cost in Indiana?

Published in Family Law by Chris Eskew on July 23, 2021.

Going through the breakup of a marriage is never easy. Even in cases where the decision to end the relationship was mutual, you need an experienced divorce lawyer in Indiana to make sure your rights and interests are protected. One of the most frequent questions clients have concerns about is how much divorces in Indiana … continue reading

Indiana Juvenile Law: What You Need to Know About Indiana Code 31

Published in Criminal Law by Chris Eskew on May 20, 2021.

Indiana lawmakers face a balancing act when it comes to juvenile offenses. On one hand, everyone recognizes that children are different from adults. On the other hand, there is a valid concern about keeping the community safe. Thus, unlike the adult criminal justice system, Indiana juvenile law focuses more on rehabilitation than punishment. However, that … continue reading

Indiana OVWI Endangering a Person Charges & Penalties

Published in Criminal Law by Chris Eskew on November 10, 2020.

In Indiana, any Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated (OVWI) conviction can subject you to substantial fines and jail time. You could also face probation, community service, driver license suspension, and other penalties. A conviction will also leave you with a permanent criminal record that can affect your ability to get a job, rent a house, … continue reading

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