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Relocation and Custody Issues
Relocating When There Is A Custody Order From the time a custody order is issued until the child is emancipated, a parent must keep the court and the opposing party aware of their home address. This means that anytime you want to relocate when there is a custody order, you must file notice with the Court. Indiana Code lays out specific requirements for this notice and failure to comply with the requirements will result in insufficient notice, possibly resulting in court sanctions….
Specialized Driving Privileges
In Indiana, driving is a necessity. However, under the law, driving is considered a privilege that can be taken away in certain instances. Luckily, Indiana law allows for someone to petition the court for driving privileges if they meet certain criteria. On January 1, 2015, a new law went into effect that made it significantly easier for someone with a suspended license to drive during a suspension. Ind. Code 9-30-16 eliminates the hardship and probationary license. Instead, there are only specialized driving…
How Do We Figure Out Our Asset Division in a Divorce
Wedding season is just around the corner and while many of us enjoy attending these celebrations, the reality is that forty-five to fifty percent of first marriages end in divorce. That is why it is important to be aware of how your state deals with divorce, especially asset division. When you file for divorce in Indiana, all property acquired before and during the marriage are subject to division. Because of this, many people refer to the collection of assets in a divorce…