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What Damages Can I Recover for a Motorcycle Accident in Indiana?
Most motorcycle riders understand the inherent dangers of riding a motorcycle. However, despite driving courses, defensive driving techniques, and taking extra precautions, accidents still happen. Because motorcycles don’t offer the same amount of protection a car or truck does, accidents can be devastating. At best, the motorcycle will be damaged, but anything worse than that often means horrible consequences for the rider. If you were injured in a motorcycle accident, Eskew Law can help you get the compensation you need to get…
Who Can Be Held Liable in a Truck Accident?
After being in a truck accident, you might want to seek financial compensation to help you recover from your injuries and losses. Determining fault and negligence might be straightforward if you were hit by a privately-owned passenger vehicle. But if a semi-truck hit you, who is liable for your damages might not be so clear. In fact, several parties might be liable for your damages. A truck accident attorney can help you identify all of the parties who might be responsible for your losses…
What To Do After a Truck Accident
There is no way to know how you will react after a truck accident. Adrenaline is pumping, tensions are probably high, and it is unlikely anyone is in a clear state of mind. However, knowing what to do after a truck crash is vital to ensuring you can make a case for maximum compensation. Steps to Take After a Truck Accident There are no official post-truck accident procedures. However, following our suggested guidelines can give you peace of mind that you did…
How Long Is a Jail Sentence for Sexual Abuse in Indiana?
Please note that our law firm practices law solely in the state of Indiana, and therefore cannot provide legal services outside of this jurisdiction. A conviction for sexual abuse could land you behind bars for a substantial amount of time, and that is just one of many potential unfavorable consequences. Being labeled a sex offender can destroy your life. Even a mere accusation with no credibility can be detrimental to your reputation and negatively impact your life. In Indiana, authorities take allegations…
How to Get a Drug Charge Expunged from Your Record
Do you have a drug conviction lingering on your record from your college days? Or perhaps you were charged with a drug crime, but the prosecutor later dropped it, or you were acquitted. Either way, the drug charge is still hanging over your head. No matter how it got there, you have probably thought about clearing it from your record a time or two. Most drug charges are not crimes of the century. However, they can haunt you on each job interview,…
Penalties for Possession of Fentanyl in Indiana
Fentanyl is a very dangerous drug if misused and abused. The penalties for possessing a small quantity of fentanyl are steep. If you are arrested for possession of fentanyl in Indiana, Eskew Law, is here for you. Not everyone caught with fentanyl is a career criminal. Perhaps you have a valid prescription but had more than prescribed in your possession, or maybe you were unaware it was fentanyl and mistakenly believed it was another drug. Whatever the case, you need competent legal representation…
How Long Do You Go to Jail for Drug Possession in Indiana?
There is no black-and-white answer to how long you will go to jail for a drug possession conviction in Indiana. The jail or prison sentence and other penalties will depend on several factors, including the type of drug, the quantity of the drug, and your prior criminal history. Your punishment will also depend on whether you are charged with a misdemeanor or a felony. That said, there are general incarceration ranges for designated drug crimes. Even one day in jail may be…
How Long Do the Police Have to File Drug Charges in Indiana?
Typically, the police file drug charges right after an arrest. However, not every drug investigation concludes immediately, and some can even last months or years. But, the police cannot wait forever to file charges against you. Indiana’s statute of limitations will prevent them from leaving you in a state of uncertainty for too long. Having the government charge you with a drug crime is no trivial matter. A drug conviction can have serious repercussions—from going to jail, paying fines, completing lengthy probation…
How to Successfully Recant a Domestic Violence Statement
Please note that our law firm practices law solely in the state of Indiana, and therefore cannot provide legal services outside of this jurisdiction. An argument between spouses or loved ones may start small. Yet, it can escalate into a physical attack or verbal threat, becoming domestic violence. Perhaps a witness or one of the parties calls the police, and they arrest the accused. However, after some time, the parties make up and want to return to normal. In cases like this, accusers…