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What Is Felony Domestic Violence?
Indiana law takes issues of violence between spouses, family members, and significant others seriously. In some instances, the prosecution charges the accused with a misdemeanor. However, there are many different factors that could result in felony domestic violence charges. Below we explain felony domestic violence in Indiana. We believe it’s imperative that you consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney if you’re facing domestic violence charges. The Definition of Domestic Violence Indiana’s law calls domestic violence crimes domestic battery. Domestic battery is when…
What Are the Charges for Drug Trafficking in Indiana?
All drug offenses are serious, but drug trafficking charges are some of the most severe. When most people hear the word trafficking, they think of large-scale drug operations across the southern border of the United States and Mexico. However, drug trafficking occurs within the confines of the country across state lines. What Charges Do You Get for Drug Trafficking? Depending on the particular circumstances, you may be charged with state or federal offenses. You can also be charged with both. Indiana drug trafficking laws are…
Ways to Fight Drug Possession Charges In Indiana
Do you have drug possession charges in Indiana? If so, you could be facing significant legal trouble. With the amount of possible prison time you could face and all of the other consequences of a drug possession conviction, you are probably wondering how you will fight this charge. A knowledgeable and skilled defense attorney can help you navigate a drug possession charge. The criminal defense attorneys with Eskew Law, are five-star AVVO-rated for a reason. They are trustworthy, reliable, and have extensive courtroom experience….
What Happens at a Preliminary Hearing for Domestic Violence?
You were arrested, and now you are wondering, What happens at a preliminary hearing for domestic violence? If this is your first run-in with the law, you are probably unsure what to expect at a preliminary hearing for domestic violence. Contrary to the implications of popular TV shows, an individual accused of a crime is not arrested and tried the next day—or even the next week. Instead, there are multiple pretrial hearings where the defendant and the prosecutor appear before the court….
Why You Should Not File for Divorce in Indiana Without a Lawyer
Whenever a couple can sit down and come to an agreement on the major issues involved in a divorce, they may be able to avoid much of the litigation that otherwise is often a part of the process. Working out the details of a marriage settlement agreement is often the preferred approach because it makes the divorce less expensive and takes less time to finalize. However, just because certain aspects of a divorce are agreed upon doesn’t mean that there won’t be…
Children of Convicted Felons Undergraduate Scholarship Winner
Scholarship Contest Essay Living with a parent who falls down, climbs back up, only to trip and stumble back into drugs and unsavory choices weighed on me earlier than it should’ve. I learned valuable lessons from my father’s mistakes, but still suffered getting caught in the crossfire. I taught myself to set boundaries and how to handle disappointment in stride. I distinctly remember that when my dad first started to spiral, my importance decreased in comparison to the other things around him;…
2022 Law School Scholarship Winner
Regan OsbornThe University of Virginia School of Law Eskew Law 2022 Law School Scholarship Contest Essay During college, I researched the racial disparities in the American correctional system,the protection of white interests in society, and the censorship of race-related topics in education.This exposure has heightened my desire to give a voice to those who are systematically silencedand has shown me that lawyers, in their ability to advocate for individuals and ideas, have theopportunity and the responsibility to combat systemic inequality/racism in society….
What Rights Do Grandparents Have Under Family Law in Indiana?
If you’re a grandparent concerned about your grandchildren’s health and safety or continuing your relationship and bond, talk with a family attorney at Eskew Law. We’ll explain grandparents’ rights in Indiana and your options. We know these are often emotional situations, and you don’t want to hurt or demonize your grandchild’s mom or dad. We’re here to guide you in making sure your grandchild is OK and gets to have grandma and grandpa in their life. You can reach out to Eskew Law at 317-793-2325 or…
What Happens When Police Are Called for Domestic Violence?
The dynamic between family or household members can be complicated. A relationship of any kind can be passionate and loving one minute and tumultuous, hostile, and aggressive the next. It is vital to remain calm and cooperative if you are in a heated domestic dispute and suddenly find that the cops are at your door. The last thing you want to do is become combative with the police. That is the worst move you could possibly make in such a situation. Whether…