Burglary Attorney Serving Indiana
Burglary, a criminal offense in the state of Indiana, is one of the most commonly occurring crimes in Indianapolis. In fact, over the past year, there were almost 37,000 reported burglary incidents. This means that for every 100,000 residents in Indiana, over 559 residents were victims of burglary.
Indiana is currently ranked 19th in the nation for burglary arrests. Despite how common burglary is throughout the state, it is a felony offense that is routinely and harshly prosecuted by the Deputy Prosecutors, making it all the more important to have a seasoned Indianapolis burglary lawyer on your side.
If you were arrested for burglary, you may face serious consequences such as a significant term of incarceration, an outrageous fine, and a long period of probation.
The Indianapolis criminal defense attorneys at Eskew Law have dedicated their careers to helping Indiana residents fight criminal charges like burglary. Over the years, we have assisted countless clients with understanding the nature of their charges and crafting defense theories tailored to the specific facts and circumstances surrounding their cases.
We can work alongside you to evaluate your options and determine the best strategy that matches your goals. To learn more about how Eskew Law can help you with your burglary case, call us today at (317) 793-2325 to schedule an appointment.