Published in Family Law by Chris Eskew on July 23, 2021.

How much does a divorce cost in Indiana

Going through the breakup of a marriage is never easy.

Even in cases where the decision to end the relationship was mutual, you need an experienced divorce lawyer in Indiana to make sure your rights and interests are protected.

One of the most frequent questions clients have concerns about is how much divorces in Indiana cost.

While there are some flat fees the court charges, much of the expense depends on the time and effort required to resolve your case.

Indiana does not recognize a difference between a contested and an uncontested divorce

The difference between the two is how the parties act in resolving their case.

Your filing fees are going to be the same in each scenario. The costs, however, are vastly different.

For immediate assistance, please don’t hesitate to call our firm at (317) 793-2325 or send us an online message today.

Expenses Involved in All Indiana Divorces

divorce cost indiana

An uncontested divorce is one in which both parties agree to the terms and there are no disputes over marital property division, spousal and child support, or child custody.

Under the Indiana Code (IC 31-15-1-2), couples may file for divorce on the ground of irreconcilable differences, requiring only basic documents and limited court appearances.

The procedures and costs include:

Drafting and Filing a Divorce Petition

For residents of Indianapolis, this petition is filed with the County Clerk’s office, which charges a $177 filing fee.

Serving the Petition

For a $28 fee, the Indianapolis Sheriff’s Office will ‘serve’ the petition to the other party.

Private Service and Publication Service

Both of these costs vary based upon the location service is to take place and the individual costs of the publication and/or the process server.

The only other costs generally associated with an uncontested divorce case are the legal fees involved in drafting the position and making appearances with you in court.

Variable Costs in Indiana Divorces

In a contested Indiana divorce case, you have the same basic filing fees as described above, though you’ll also have the costs of contesting the matters. 

This becomes based on the particular lawyer’s fees and costs for Indiana divorces.

The total costs become summed up then with the effort involved in representation in the case.

Here are some types of things that generally cause costs of representation to increase in a divorce case:

Court Motions

The more you file motions and make requests of the court, the more time your attorney spends drafting, researching, and filing. 

While some are necessary, keep motions to a minimum.  Remember each motion becomes an opportunity to appear before the court.

Each time you appear before the court, attorney’s fees come with it.


This is necessary in almost every Indiana divorce case. 

Though the more you pursue information from the other party, the more time your Indiana divorce attorney will spend drafting the requests and reviewing the responses. 

It may not be necessary to subpoena every potential witness for deposition prior to a trial.

But if you suggest that to your lawyer, you may find yourself paying to learn what you already knew. 

Likewise, some requests for documents are far more expeditious when sent to a business than they are when sent to the other party. 

The cheapest solution here is to provide your own documentation of things that are important to you.

Expert Valuations

Not every case needs to have the property appraised, but when there is a dispute over the value of a significant piece of real estate, pension, business, or the like, the parties may be better off paying for an expert to provide an opinion as to the value rather than spending hours in attorney’s fees disputing what the other party assigned the item. 

This can expedite a divorce and while there’s an additional cost it is typically less than the fight by your Indiana divorce attorney. 

Business valuations usually run several thousand dollars depending on the complexity of the business. 

Other asset appraisals can be in the hundreds.

Guardian ad Litem and Custody Evaluation

These trained personnel make recommendations to the court. 

The costs vary widely based upon the individual assigned or agreed to in the case. 

Usually, the cost for a guardian ad litem is less than a custody evaluation expert. 

Discuss with your divorce attorney why you believe one is necessary and listen to their thoughts.

These are not always beneficial and the costs can really add up to thousands of dollars.

Settlement Negotiations

Your lawyer will attempt to resolve your case through negotiations.

Either by phone or in-person with you, your spouse, and the other attorney.

This is the least expensive way to resolve a case. Even though it often fails as there is no true “neutral” person to assist.


If negotiations do not reach a settlement, a referral to a divorce mediator will be your next option.

Ultimately, it’s likely that the hourly fee depends on the experience of the mediator.

Also, the complexity of the issues involved. At a minimum, this is likely to cost several hundred dollars.

Divorce cases with our firm have ranged from less than $2000 to over $60,000. 

The main difference is the desire to fight in one or both parties.

Indianapolis Divorce & Family Law Lawyers Ready to Assist You with Filing for Divorce

If you are contemplating a divorce, Eskew Law has divorce lawyers in Indianapolis who can help make the process as painless as possible.

Our Indiana family law attorneys can assist you with filing, negotiating with your former spouse, and handling difficult and emotional issues.

We take this privilege and responsibility seriously for all of our clients throughout Indianapolis and Central Indiana.

To speak with a compassionate Indianapolis divorce lawyer today, contact or call Eskew Law at (317) 793-2325.

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Chris Eskew

Chris Eskew is the founding partner of Eskew Law. With over 15 years of experience, he focuses his practice on criminal defense, DUI defense, and family law. Chris is known for his dedication to his clients, his strong advocacy skills, and his commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes in legal matters. He is well-respected within the legal community and has earned a reputation for providing personalized and effective representation.