Estrategias de defensa que tienen éxito. La defensa legal dedicada que usted merece.
In the past year alone, approximately 330 murders were committed in the state of Indiana. Though Indiana is only ranked #17 among states with the most murders, criminal homicide rates have been steadily rising over the past few years.
In fact, the city of Indianapolis was recently ranked number nine in a national list of violent cities. In order to combat crime and increase safety in the community, local Indiana police, detectives, and Deputy Prosecutors have begun focusing heavily on investigating deaths and quickly conducting arrests of suspects.
Research has shown that the vast majority of successful prosecutions involve an arrest that occurs within the first 48 hours following a murder. Indianapolis police are therefore intent on locating alleged suspects as fast as possible, oftentimes sacrificing the integrity of the investigation or overlooking key evidence in the process.
Indianapolis murder defense attorney Chris Eskew understands being arrested for homicide is a terrifying and anxiety-ridden process for anyone. The charges are serious, and the potential consequences can be severe.
The right attorney can help you try to defend yourself, fight false allegations, uncover faulty police investigations, and clear your name. If you were charged with murder or any other type of homicide, the intelligent and devoted Indianapolis criminal lawyers at Eskew Law can begin investigating your case and developing a defense strategy.
To speak with someone about your charges today, call Eskew Law at (317) 793-2325 immediately.
Un servicio excepcional. No podría estar más contento con los resultados.
Homicide is the unlawful killing of another person. In the state of Indiana, homicide is a criminal offense and it is in your best interest to consult an aggressive Indianapolis murder defense lawyer immediately if you have been charged.
There are many different types of homicide, grouped by level of culpability. Culpability is determined by the role you played in the other person’s death, your actions that led to the death, and your intent when performing the actions. There are seven types of homicide in Indiana:
- Asesinato
- Provocar el suicidio
- Asistencia al suicidio
- Homicidio voluntario
- Homicidio involuntario
- Homicidio imprudente
- Feticidio
Aunque muchas personas equiparan el homicidio con el asesinato, el asesinato no es más que un tipo de homicidio. El asesinato es la forma más culpable de homicidio ilegítimo. Existen cuatro categorías de asesinato:
- Knowingly or intentionally killing another person: This is the traditional definition of murder. You either know your actions will kill someone and proceed forward anyway, or you specifically intend to kill someone. Premeditation can form the basis for murder, though it is not required.
- Matar a otra persona mientras comete otro delito grave como incendio premeditado, robo con allanamiento de morada, abuso o violación de menores, secuestro, robo, secuestro de vehículo y más: Aunque usted no tenía la intención de matar a alguien, ocurrió una muerte. Su intención de cometer el delito subyacente le hace culpable de asesinato. Por ejemplo, si usted prende fuego a un edificio que tiene gente dentro y alguien muere, aunque usted no tenía la intención de que murieran, puede ser acusado tanto de incendio provocado como de asesinato.
- Matar a otra persona mientras trafica o intenta traficar con una sustancia controlada: Si está traficando con un narcótico, droga farmacéutica u otra sustancia controlada y mata a alguien mientras trafica, ha cometido asesinato.
- Knowingly or intentionally killing a viable fetus: If a fetus is capable of living outside of its womb, and you kill it, such as through performing an abortion, you have committed murder.
El asesinato se castiga con 45 a 65 años en la prisión estatal y hasta $ 10,000 en multas, aunque un buen abogado de defensa de asesinato Indianápolis puede ayudarle a defenderse para reducir o evitar sanciones.
Póngase en contacto con un abogado de defensa de asesinato de Indianápolis para una consulta
Were you charged with murdering another person or killing someone while committing a crime?
Call Eskew Law at (317) 793-2325 or contact us online, and we will review your case and advise you on how to proceed. We take this privilege and responsibility seriously for all of our clients throughout Indianapolis and Central Indiana.
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