Your Family’s Future Is Our Focus.
Eskew Law’s compassionate family law attorneys are well-versed in Indiana child custody and child support law and can assist you with requesting modification or termination of a child support order. Use our guide below to learn more about how child support works in Indiana and see how our Indianapolis child support lawyers can help you prepare for your case and fight for your rights moving forward.
Defining Child Support in Indiana
Section 31-14-11-2 of the Indiana Code requires that parents “pay any reasonable amount for child support.” Usually, if the parents share joint custody, they are presumed to also share in the costs of childcare. Do not assume however this means that no support would be ordered. If one parent spends more time with the children or if there is a noncustodial parent, the noncustodial parent will usually make payments to the custodial parent to help in financing the costs of raising a child. A child support calculation and worksheet is required in all divorce decrees with a detailed explanation as to any deviations.
Child support refers to the financial assistance that is provided by one parent to the other toward the care and upbringing of their child. Child support is typically ordered by the court as part of divorce, legal separation, paternity, or other family law proceeding involving children. Section 31-14-11-2 of the Indiana Code requires that parents “pay any reasonable amount for child support.” Usually, if the parents share joint custody, they are presumed to also share in the costs of childcare. Do not assume however this means that no support would be ordered. If one parent spends more time with the children or if there is a noncustodial parent, the noncustodial parent will usually make payments to the custodial parent to help in financing the costs of raising a child. A child support calculation and worksheet is required in all divorce decrees with a detailed explanation as to any deviations.
Indiana Child Support Guidelines: An Overview
When it comes to child support, judges follow the Indiana Child Support Guidelines for determining how much should be paid. These guidelines were put in place with the purpose of establishing an appropriate standard of support for children that is based on the financial circumstances of the parents and their ability to contribute financially to the support of their children.
Notably, courts rarely deviate from the guidelines. However, deviation is possible under certain circumstances.
Cálculo de la pensión alimenticia
When the court is required to intervene and calculate child support, the court uses a calculator. The calculator looks at factors such as:
- Weekly gross income from employment and other sources of income,
- Amounts paid in child support for prior children as well as the number of subsequent children,
- Amounts paid in maintenance,
- Number of children,
- Work-related childcare expenses,
- Gastos sanitarios
- Time spent with each parent.
Cuando el tribunal llega a una cifra, se dicta una orden de pensión alimenticia. El progenitor al que se le ordena pagar la manutención debe abonar la cantidad establecida en la orden periódicamente según lo ordene el juez. Los pagos no deben hacerse directamente al otro progenitor, sino a través de la cámara de compensación, conocida como Indiana State Central Collections Unit, INSCCU. Si el progenitor encargado de pagar la manutención incumple la orden, puede ser declarado en desacato y sancionado por el tribunal. Si se produce un cambio material en las circunstancias de uno de los factores utilizados para calcular la manutención, cualquiera de los progenitores puede solicitar la modificación de la orden de manutención. El tribunal mirará si hay una desviación del 20% respecto a la orden anterior.
Emancipation in Indiana Child Support Cases
While you are a parent for life, you are not responsible for paying child support for the entirety of your child’s life. Rather, your obligation ends when your child is emancipated. Emancipated, in the context of child support matters in Indiana, means the child is independent and parents are no longer legally required to provide for the child. While in the past, Indiana placed the emancipation age at 21, it is currently 19. This means that once the child turns 19 years old, the parent who pays support may petition to terminate support. Of course, if that parent wishes to continue paying support, they may do so according to the agreement. However, because they are not bound by law to continue, they may modify the support order and terminate their obligation.
A los 19 años, muchos hijos siguen viviendo en casa o van a la universidad. Los padres suelen seguir pagando las necesidades del hijo, como la vivienda o la educación, cuando éste cumple 19 años. Si decide rescindir la orden de manutención, es posible que aún tenga que pagar los gastos de educación universitaria.
If your child will be turning 19 soon and you do not want to continue paying support, you should act quickly in consulting with a family law attorney about filing a petition to emancipate and terminate the support order. It is usually best to file roughly four weeks prior to their birthday as the court may not have time to hear any contested issues until well after the 19th birthday.
In addition, if your child is 18 years of age and is no longer living in the care or custody of either parent, has married, or is an active duty member of the U.S. Armed forces, you may be able to emancipate prior to their 19th birthday
Dedicado Indianápolis abogado de derecho de familia deseosos de ayudarle a resolver sus disputas de manutención de los hijos
If you have encountered a child support issue, Eskew Law is here to help. Our experienced Indianapolis child support attorneys can assist you with disputing a support order, requesting emancipation, modifying the terms of an order, and a variety of other legal issues that may come up in the course of an Indiana child support matter.
Our firm was founded more than a decade ago with the goal of helping people in the State of Indiana who are struggling with complex legal situations that they are not able to handle on their own. We take this privilege and responsibility seriously for all of our clients throughout Indianapolis and Central Indiana. To schedule an appointment, call Eskew Law.
Can You Modify Child Support in Indiana?
Yes, there are situations where you may be able to modify an existing child support order. Under Indiana law, a party may ask the court to modify the amount of a child support obligation when there has been a substantial and continuing change in circumstances since the order was initially entered. Examples of a substantial and continuing change might include a significant change in one parent’s income or in the child’s needs due to increased medical expenses or educational costs. Notably, however, modification requests are not automatic and will only be granted by the court if it determines that doing so will be in the child’s best interest.
What Do I Do If My Child’s Other Parent Is Not Complying with Their Child Support Obligations?
If your child’s other parent is not paying their child support payments, there are a few legal avenues available to you that you can use to enforce the existing child support order. For example, you may be able to have an income withholding order (IWO) sent to an employer to obtain the amount of child support payments directly from the non-custodial parent’s paycheck. You may also be able to initiate contempt proceedings against them, which can lead to fines and even jail time.
Do I Need an Attorney for My Child Support Case in Indiana?
No, you do not need to hire an attorney to represent you in your Indiana child support case. If you choose to represent yourself, this is referred to as appearing “pro se.” That said, even though hiring an attorney is not required, having legal representation with legal knowledge and experience in this particular area of law can still be advantageous to your case moving forward.
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Cálculo de la pensión alimenticia
Cuando el tribunal debe intervenir y calcular la pensión alimenticia, utiliza una calculadora. La calculadora tiene en cuenta:
- Ingresos brutos semanales procedentes del empleo y de otras fuentes de ingresos
- Importes pagados en concepto de manutención de los hijos anteriores, así como el número de hijos posteriores
- Importes pagados en concepto de mantenimiento
- Número de niños
- Gastos de guardería relacionados con el trabajo
- Gastos sanitarios
- y el tiempo pasado con cada progenitor
Cuando el tribunal llega a una cifra, se dicta una orden de pensión alimenticia. El progenitor al que se le ordena pagar la manutención debe abonar la cantidad establecida en la orden periódicamente según lo ordene el juez. Los pagos no deben hacerse directamente al otro progenitor, sino a través de la cámara de compensación, conocida como Indiana State Central Collections Unit, INSCCU. Si el progenitor encargado de pagar la manutención incumple la orden, puede ser declarado en desacato y sancionado por el tribunal. Si se produce un cambio material en las circunstancias de uno de los factores utilizados para calcular la manutención, cualquiera de los progenitores puede solicitar la modificación de la orden de manutención. El tribunal mirará si hay una desviación del 20% respecto a la orden anterior.
Aunque usted es padre de por vida, no es responsable de pagar la manutención durante toda la vida de su hijo. Su obligación termina cuando su hijo se emancipa. Emancipado significa que el niño es independiente y los padres ya no están legalmente obligados a mantenerlo. En el pasado, Indiana establecía la edad de emancipación a los 21 años, pero actualmente es a los 19 años. Esto significa que una vez que el niño cumple 19 años, el padre que paga la manutención puede solicitar la terminación de la manutención. Por supuesto, si ese padre desea continuar pagando la manutención, puede hacerlo según el acuerdo. Sin embargo, como la ley no le obliga a seguir haciéndolo, puede modificar la orden de manutención y poner fin a su obligación.
A los 19 años, muchos hijos siguen viviendo en casa o van a la universidad. Los padres suelen seguir pagando las necesidades del hijo, como la vivienda o la educación, cuando éste cumple 19 años. Si decide rescindir la orden de manutención, es posible que aún tenga que pagar los gastos de educación universitaria.
Si su hijo va a cumplir pronto 19 años y usted no quiere seguir pagando la manutención, debe actuar con rapidez consultando con un abogado de derecho de familia sobre la presentación de una petición para emanciparse y poner fin a la orden de manutención. Por lo general, es mejor presentar la solicitud unas cuatro semanas antes del cumpleaños del menor, ya que es posible que el tribunal no tenga tiempo de conocer de las cuestiones impugnadas hasta mucho después de que cumpla19 años.
Además, si su hijo tiene 18 años y ya no vive bajo el cuidado o la custodia de ninguno de sus progenitores, se ha casado o es miembro en activo de las Fuerzas Armadas de EE.UU., puede emanciparse antes de que cumpla19 años....
Dedicado Indianápolis abogado de derecho de familia deseosos de ayudarle a resolver sus disputas de manutención de los hijos
If you have encountered a child support issue, Eskew Law can assist you with disputing a support order, requesting emancipation, or modifying the terms of an order. We take this privilege and responsibility seriously for all of our clients throughout Indianapolis and Central Indiana. To schedule an appointment, call Eskew Law at (317) 793-2325 today.
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